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Afforestation Consultancy Services “ITB-JOR-MAD-2017-001”, Wadi Mujib

Project Highlights: location area 550,000 m² , Employment of 3000 Jordanian and Syrian refugees – Team Leader: Dr. Rana El Akhal.
Main Tasks: Area and neighborhood study, land surveying, plantation landscaping, plants selection and distribution, topography GIS map design, infrastructure and construction specifications, bills of quantities for construction items, employment plan and scheduling, foremen training, employment planning & scheduling.

Key Stakeholders

Ministry of Agriculture. Jordan Valley Water Authority.

Wadi Al Mujib south of Jordan has one of the main water dams of 29.8 m³³ . The dam capacity decreased due to soil erosions, overgrazing and illegal water consumption by nearby farmers. The community around the damp is mostly rural tribal hosting Syrian refugees. Both, the locals and the refugees are of extremely limited income and high unemployment rates.
The project has the main aim of providing employment opportunities to both locals and hosted refugees through recruiting for the establishment of the forest on the upstream of the dam, which will also protect the soil and accordingly minimize erosion and enhance dam capacity, enhance quality of air in the area, provide grazing areas around the forest for shepherds, and provide long term economic and employment opportunities through safeguarding and maintaining the forest as well as in other tourism and recreational businesses to be created within the forest zones.
Total employment opportunities in establishment phase =2052 labor/month.