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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Feasibility Study of Producing Sulfate of Potash (SOP) & Compounded Fertilizers (NK) in Al-Jeeza Area

Project Highlights: Site: Al Jeeza, 25 km south the capital Amman. Land area 30,000 m².
Main Tasks: Economic and financial feasibility with summary investment pitching model.

Key Stakeholders

Ministry of Agriculture. Jordan Valley Water Authority.

This project was prepared for a group of individual investors under incorporation.
The project is export oriented.
Main tasks included:

  • Assessment of local, regional and international demand in the markets, capacity market share, and pricing analysis.
  • Technical study includes operating process, technology options, comparison analysis and ideal process selection, inputs and estimation of CAPEX and OPEX
  • Analysis and assessment of the financial and economic feasibility of the project.