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Economic Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Karbala Mall

Project Highlights: Karbala the governorate of religious vitality with religious tourism showed increasing trend while the governorate lacks suitable and enough facilities including lodging, shopping and public areas.
Main Tasks: Economic and social study, financial feasibility, financial modeling, and investment options.

Key Stakeholders

Investment Commission of Karbala’, Community of the governorate, commercial and supply chain enterprises.

The project is an IC type. the scope of the project included: Economic and market, technical and financial studies.
The economic and market section included various demand aspects such as governorate’s population, population growth rate, average income, supply chain, and others. It also included expected changes as a result of the governorate master plan implementation.
The technical included site appropriateness assessment, construction needs, resources including labor and machinery, and a plan for implementation phases.
The financial included analysis and assessment of the financial and economic feasibility and a development of a financial model for the founding, operating and scaling phases.


Al Hurra LTD – Shamara Holding Group


Socio-economic Studies