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Local Area Development Program for Iraq (LADP)

Local Area Development Program for Iraq (LADP)

Project Highlights: Long Term Agreement. 12 Iraqi provinces
Main Tasks: Enhance delivery of public services at provincial level through social and economic assessment, planning, budgeting and capacity building of public and civic stakeholders

Key Stakeholders

All directorates of the public sector, civil society organizations, elected provincial councils, ministry of planning, ministry of finance, UN agencies

The project’s contract is governed by an LTA (Long Term Agreement) offering our services to all UN agencies operating in Iraq through contracts administered by UNDP.
The project scope included socioeconomic assessments for the purpose of developing provincial development plans and it involved a wide spectrum of capacity building activities including training, coaching and mentoring of elected provincial council members, planning directorates, governorate staff and civil society organizations.

See the documentary of the project on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG8IVFfHMMI


  • Date
  • Client
    UNDP, Project Owner: UN agencies of the Iraqi Trust Fund and the Iraqi Ministry of Planning
  • Category