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Social and Economic Impact of Covid19 on Women in the Private Sector, Two Years to the Start of the Pandemic

Social and Economic Impact of Covid19 on Women in the Private Sector, Two Years to the Start of the Pandemic

Project Highlights: A national level quantitative and qualitative study, Team Leader: Dr. Rana El Akhal.
Main Tasks: Survey tools development, enumerators training, Tech assisted field survey, piloting, field data collection, analysis of quantitative data, focus groups, dissemination workshops, qualitative data, KIIs, media coverage, recommendations to policy makers.

Key Stakeholders

Private Sector, Government of Jordan, UN and Int. Agencies.

The study was conducted at a national level covering all governorates using a combination of quantitative and qualitative study approached. It measured the impact of covid19 on women in the private sector including businesswomen, informal business owners & employees. It measured the impact at three levels; social, economic and psychological.
Social impact: lifestyle, family activities, social activities, childcare, responsibilities burden, mobility, harassment, violence both economic and domestic.
Economic impact: Household income, revenues, access to finance, unemployment and layoffs, impact on business growth, markets, contracts, business processes.
Psychological impact: stress levels, stability of family bonds, and future aspiration.
The study included a rich set of recommendations and suggested set of actions at short, mid and long-terms at policy level, programs level and operational reforms.

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