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Budget Execution Support and Local Area Development Program in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (BES-LADP)

Budget Execution Support and Local Area Development Program in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (BES-LADP)

Project Highlights: LTA agreement, part of Euro 48.5m program.
Main Tasks: Enhancing sustainability of LADP socioeconomic development throughprovincial development strategies, budget planning reforms and enhancement to the Kurdistan Development Management System (KDMS)

Key Stakeholders

Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Finance, Governorate offices of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Duhok.

The Consultant supported the government of Kurdistan region in

  •  Assessing cross-sectoral social and economic needs in each province
  • Prioritizing development interventions
  • Budgeting and identification of development KPIs
  • Developing three provincial development strategies, long, medium, and short-term plans & budgets with KPIs.
  • Identifying required budgetary reforms to enhance budget spending efficiency at provincial level
  • Identify and recommend enhancements to the KDMS (Kurdistan Development Management System) hosted at the Ministry of Planning.
  • Producing user friendly guides & toolkits to sustain impact
  • Institutionalize knowledge by establishing steering committees and planning teams in each province
  • Date
  • Client
    UNDP, Government of Kurdistan Region
  • Category