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Upgrading of the Economic Feasibility & Socio-economic Impact Assessment for the Establishment of a Floating and Dry Dock for Shipbuilding and Repair at Yanbu

Upgrading of the Economic Feasibility & Socio-economic Impact Assessment for the Establishment of a Floating and Dry Dock for Shipbuilding and Repair at Yanbu

Project Highlights: The assignment of the studies was assigned as an IC to avoid procurement complications. Medal llc consultant assigned is Eng. Mohammad Sartawi.
Main Tasks: market studies, desk review, financial feasibility and socioeconomic impact.

Key Stakeholders

Partners: Ministry of Transport, Trade, Shipment and logistics Enterprises

The project aims at the construction and operation of a modern floating dock and repair and maintenance facilities to provide shipbuilding and ship repair and maintenance services at the regional level. The project is located at Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. The project involve floating drydock, the dry dock and all the necessary maintenance and repair workshops including mechanical, electrical, blasting, painting, testing, piping and technical and engineering facilities.

Main Segments of the project included:
• Market studies to determine project size, market share, and service pricing
• Review available technical studies covering all project inputs requirements and CAPEX ,OPEX estimations
• Analysis and assessment of financial feasibility and socio-economic impact

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