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Assessment of Kurdistan Vision for Future 2020

Assessment of Kurdistan Vision for Future 2020

Project Highlights: A vision document for the autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq.
Main Tasks: Assessment of content inclusion, and stakeholders’’ engagement in the process.

Key Stakeholders

Representatives from all socioeconomic and development Sectors.

Kurdistan Region of Iraq 2020: A Vision for the Future” aims to provide a framework for policy development by government officials, define five-year policy priorities, and outline ways of improving opportunities for the people of Kurdistan.
The Assignment of this project had three main objectives:
1. Assessing the Vision’s document in terms of its inclusiveness to key socioeconomic dimensions.
2. Assessing the process of developing the Vision, in terms of engagement of key stakeholders.
3. Advice the Ministry of Planning on recommended enhancements.
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  • Date
  • Client
    UNDP - Ministry of Planning Kurdistan Region/2013
  • Category