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Preliminary Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Study for the Establishment of Duhok Airport (DIA)

Preliminary Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Study for the Establishment of Duhok Airport (DIA)

Project Highlights: Land Area 14.97km², Investment $450 m.
Main Tasks: preliminary assessment of social and economic benefits on supply chain enterprises and on investment opportunities.

Key Stakeholders

supply chain enterprises, tourism sector, investment commission, communities of Duhok province.

The Study assessed social and economic projected benefits as a result of establishing DIA, considering the existence of a previously established 2 international airports; one in Erbil and one in Sulymaniya provinces.

The tasks included:
Review of prepared studies such as feasibility studies, project plan, provincial statistics Stakeholders’ analysis and focus groups with various segments of stakeholders including local communities in a gender sensitive approach, youth, local businesses, community, tourism industry components, trade chambers, logistics and cargo, investment commission and investors.
Assessment of economic benefits at macrolevel segregated into domains; business travel, tourism, cargo, and investment.

  • Date
  • Client
    CIELO Engineering Co - Engineering Dept. Duhok Governorate/2013
  • Category