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Capacity Building on How to Conduct Economic and Feasibility Studies for livelihood projects

Capacity Building on How to Conduct Economic and Feasibility Studies for livelihood projects

Project Highlights: Public sector cadre in planning, design and procurement departments
Main Tasks: development of contents, training delivery, coaching and technical support

Key Stakeholders

Municipalities, infrastructure firms, Consultants, Investors.

The assignment aimed at building the capacities of public sector employees responsible for procurement and planning on how to assess socio-economic feasibility for municipal public service projects from a human centric development perspective instead of the regular profit-loss approach.
Tasks include:

  •  Development of customized training content including guidelines, templates and case studies
  • Coaching support post the training, provided to public sector for the implementation of learning gained
  • Review of developed socio-economic feasibility studies for livelihood governmental projects
  • Date
  • Client
    UN-Habitat - Ministry of Planning- Iraq, governorates of Iraq, public servants, elected governorate councils of 12 governorates
  • Category